A Story on Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a brave soldier who served his country. He decided to return home to his parents after serving in the military. As he called them from his city, his voice was filled with excitement.

"Mom and Dad, I'm on my way home, but I have a question for you." During my service, I made a dear friend, and I want to bring him home with me."

"Of course, dear," his parents replied warmly. "We'd love to meet your friend."

"There's something important you should know about my friend," the soldier said after a brief pause. During the war, he was severely injured. He stepped on a landmine and lost both his arms and legs as a result. He doesn't have anywhere else to go, and I'd like him to come live with us."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, my son," his mother expressed concern. Perhaps we can assist him in finding suitable nearby accommodations."

"No, Mom and Dad," the soldier insisted, "I want him to live with us."

"Son, what you're asking for is a significant responsibility," his father cautioned. Taking care of someone with such difficulties may cause disruption in our lives. We must consider our own plans and routines. Perhaps we can find another way to help him. You should return home so that we can discuss this further. He'll undoubtedly find assistance elsewhere."

Disappointed, the son quietly hung up the phone. His parents never heard from him again. A few days later, they received a harrowing phone call from city police. Their son had tragically died after falling from a building. The police suspected it was a suicide attempt.

The parents, overcome with grief, ran to the city police. They were taken to the city mortuary to identify the body of their son. They did recognize him, but to their surprise, they also discovered that their son had only one arm and one leg.

In this touching story, the parents' initial reaction mirrors that of many of us. It's easy to love and care for those who are attractive or who bring us joy. When confronted with people who may annoy or challenge our comfort, our natural instinct may be to keep our distance. We may prefer to avoid those who do not conform to our standards of health, beauty, or intelligence.

Fortunately, there is someone who does not pass such judgment on us. Regardless of our flaws and differences, there is a love that embraces us unconditionally and welcomes us into a forever family.

Friends are like rare jewels; they make you smile, inspire you to succeed, listen when you need to be heard, and offer encouraging words. They welcome us with open arms. Show your friends how much you appreciate them, and treasure the invaluable gift of friendship in your life.

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