Receipt of Applause - Applause is a receipt, not a bill - Dale Carnegie

Once upon a time, in a small town, lived a young man named Jack. Jack was well-known for his extraordinary talent as a magician. He could make the impossible happen, enthralling his audience each time he performed.

Jack received an unexpected letter one sunny afternoon as he was preparing for his biggest show yet. It was an invitation to perform at the city's grandest theatre, where the audience was expected to be larger than ever. Jack was overjoyed and couldn't wait to perform on such a prestigious stage.

As the days turned into weeks, Jack's excitement grew. He practised nonstop, coming up with new and mind-boggling tricks. He imagined the audience's standing ovations, thunderous applause, and admiration. He was certain that this performance would propel him to fame and fortune.

The performance day had finally arrived. The theatre was packed to capacity with eager audience members. Jack took the stage, his heart pounding with excitement. He could feel the energy in the room building as he began his act. His illusions were flawless, and the audience was fascinated.

However, as Jack neared the end of his performance, something unexpected occurred. One of his tricks failed due to a technical glitch. The audience erupted in shock, and the silence was deafening. Jack's heart dropped. He had spent countless hours preparing for this moment, which was now passing him by.

Jack, on the other hand, did not give up. He quickly improvised, transforming the blunder into an even more incredible illusion. The audience erupted in applause. They stood up, clapping, cheering, and whistling. It was unlike any other standing ovation.

Following the show, Jack receives a touching letter from a young girl named Lily. She wrote about how she was going through a tough time in her life and how his performance had inspired her. Lily expressed gratitude to Jack for demonstrating that even when things go wrong, they can be transformed into something beautiful and extraordinary.

Jack realised that the true purpose of his art had been overshadowed by his desire for fame and fortune. It wasn't about the standing ovations or the applause; it was about touching people's hearts and making a difference in their lives.

From then on, Jack performed not for applause, but for the joy of sharing his talent with others. He discovered that the applause he received was not a bill to be paid, but rather a receipt for the joy and inspiration he brought to his audience.


The moral of the story is that true success in life comes not from seeking external validation or recognition, but from having a positive impact on others. While accolades and applause are nice, the true reward comes from the difference we make in people's lives and the inspiration we provide. Instead of chasing applause, focus on making a positive difference, and the applause will come naturally.

----- THE END -----

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